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Supporting a Highly Qualified City Pre-K Workforce
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Challenges and Solutions to Creating a High Quality Pre-K Workforce within Cities
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City Pre-K Programs Supporting Dual Language Learners
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Back-to-School for Our Youngest Learners – How Pre-K Roots Our Kids in a Healthy Start
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City Health through Pre-K – Learning from Our Peers and Building Relationships Across Sectors is Key to the Success of Our Cities’ Young Children
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How cities are convincing voters to pay higher taxes for public preschool
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Policymakers Webinar Series: Pre-K in American Cities and Lessons Learned Expanding Pre-K in Seattle
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How does your city stack up when it comes to pre-K quality?
- National praise, and a nudge to expand, for Seattle preschool programNational praise, and a nudge to expand, for Seattle preschool programIn the News
National praise, and a nudge to expand, for Seattle preschool program
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Report aims to ‘untangle’ conflicting research on early learning programs
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Seattle Preschool Program Awarded Silver Medal For Second Straight Year
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Report: Lots Of Access To Pre-K, But Quality Sometimes Lacking
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City gets good grade for commitment to preschool
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Pre-K 4 SA’ Gets High Marks in Study of Urban Early Childhood Program
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How Do Houston and Other Large Cities Fare When It Comes to Pre-K?
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Too Many Cities Missing Opportunities to Create Lasting Benefits for their Youngest Learners
- A silver medal for Detroit pre-K. Now where are the kids?A silver medal for Detroit pre-K. Now where are the kids?In the News
A silver medal for Detroit pre-K. Now where are the kids?
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Charlotte beats most cities on this first step toward educational equity, experts say

At Mayors’ Forum, Leaders Talk Health-Centric Governing
July 19, 2023