1.0 Policy Package

Affordable Housing/Inclusionary Zoning

Inclusionary zoning (IZ) is an affordable housing policy tool that requires developers to set aside a portion of housing units for low- and moderate- income residents.

Cities’ housing markets and the quality of housing stock varies across the US, which means the best policy approaches will be comprehensive commitments to ensuring affordable, safe, quality options for all. While IZ works best in “hot” markets to promote affordable options alongside new development, it’s an important policy for all cities to consider before demand outstrips supply. For a more detailed discussion of inclusionary zoning and affordable housing policy, see the policy brief at the bottom of this page.

Our assessment of inclusionary zoning includes information about city laws valid through June 1, 2020, including those passed but not effective until later dates.

Measuring big cities’ inclusionary zoning policies

How did we award inclusionary zoning policy medals?Bronze medalBronze MedalSilver medalSilver MedalGold medalGold Medal
City has a mandatory inclusionary zoning lawRequired for this MedalRequired for this MedalRequired for this Medal
Law requires program evaluationRequired for this MedalRequired for this MedalRequired for this Medal
Applies to projects of at least 10 units or lessNot Required for this MedalRequired for this MedalRequired for this Medal
Requires at least 20% of total project are affordable unitsNot Required for this MedalNot Required for this MedalRequired for this Medal
City is blocked by state law from passing an inclusionary zoning lawBlocked

Data Deep Dive

Data were created and maintained by the Center for Public Health Law Research.