1.0 Policy Package

Healthy Food Procurement

Policies that make sure healthy food options are available on public property aid city residents in making smart decisions that will help them achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Our assessment of health procurement policies includes information about city laws valid through May 1, 2020.

Measuring big cities’ healthy procurement policies

How did we award healthy procurement policy medals?Bronze medalBronze MedalSilver medalSilver MedalGold medalGold Medal
City has a procurement policy mandating nutrition standardsRequired for this MedalRequired for this MedalRequired for this Medal
Policy applies to all city contractsNot Required for this MedalNot Required for this MedalRequired for this Medal
If policy only applies to vending machines: - More than 75% of food and beverages must meet standardsRequired for this MedalRequired for this MedalNot Required for this Medal
- More than 50% of food and beverages must meet standards Not Required for this MedalRequired for this MedalNot Required for this Medal

Data Deep Dive

Data were created and maintained by the Center for Public Health Law Research.